Marg & Bill Lynn
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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2016 Gran Canaria - Island Tour

Posted 2017-01-03

On Wednesday we took a bus tour of Gran Canaria, billed as the VIP Tour. A bus picked us up at reception at 8:30 AM, spent an hour or so picking up from other hotels up the coast, then headed north past Las Palmas and west into the mountains. The tour finished about 5:30 PM at our hotel.

The photos in the following pages show some of the spots that we hit on the tour. The photos are pickable to show a larger version if desired. Pick Return on your browser to return to where you were.
Note that any photos which include a time stamp are five hours behind local time, because I forgot to set the camera time after we left home.

Our first stop was to see homes in caves in the side of a mountain, where the accommodations have been
updated to include some modern conveniences. One home was open to view, and was quite un-cave-like.

Intriguing to see tile walkways and numbers on the doors, although difficult to guess what lies behind them.

Up the hill were some fairly substantial looking
stone structures, but hard to say what lies therein.

Marg met a couple from Germany who were familiar with
Assenheim, where Marg's Switzer forefathers hailed from.

Our next stop was at an Aloe plantation, where a young lady described how to select
leaves to harvest, and how to open them up to reveal the sticky aloe substance inside.

There were many Aloe products on display, and a shop where they could be
purchased to take advantage of their reputedly miraculous healing powers.

The next stop was in Firgas, noted for its awesome tile work.

Along the way we stopped for lunch at Restaurant Valleseco, overlooking the sea from high
in the mountains. There we were served a large meal, with several potato hors d'oeuvres,
a main course (fish, chicken or pork) with wine, dessert course with a digestif and coffee.
All for the ten Euros that we had opted for when purchasing the tour.
We ate with a charming couple from the Munich area in Germany, who spoke English much
better than we spoke German.

Next stop was at a small market in Tejeda, one of the
most beautiful villages in Spain, according to the sign.

We tried to get photos showing the narrow, winding roads that the bus was following,
sure extinction for the 26 passengers if the driver failed to negotiate one of the curves.

Afternoon break for coffee, beer, wine, ice-cream, etc. at Restaurant Mirador de Tunte (Tunte lookout).

Our last stop was in Fataga, city of a thousand palms and boutique art.

Flowers blooming in December catch our attention. Then we head for our home away from home.

Our apartment
The Resort
Island Tour
Mogan market town

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